Retail is quite important for all businesses that engage with consumers as their clients. For in-store marketing purposes, acoustic and visual elements of AV technology are used, e.g., in the form of large-size displays as in-store TV. Instore TV solutions belong to digital signage and playback product information and commercials.
Digital signage systems are popular with in-store marketing because they allow a centralized administration. The layout and content of in-store TVs can be modified and changed easily. Therefore, advertising messages and price information reach the target customer. A mature in-store marketing concept includes different advertising content depending on the time of the day. The in-store TV is geared towards homemakers during the mornings; in the evenings, the digital signage offers highlights for working customers. Through this, retailers can react flexibly and efficiently to changing demands. Regular non-digital shop displays fall short of the new demands and are rarely part of modern in-store marketing campaigns.
The acoustic also affects the purchase behavior of visitors and their perception when shopping. Music with purposefully applied rhythms makes an impact on the customer’s length of stay in trade departments.
Clever in-store marketing develops retail outlets into a brand and increases the recognition value as well as the revenue. As a full-service provider with high-quality products by leading manufacturers of AV technology, GMS will professionally realize your visions of in-store marketing.